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Cambridge Honey

straight from the hive

If you are looking for honey that is literally hive to jar then you have come to the right place. Nectar as collected by our bees, straight to your table!

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Raw Honey

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Our bees take nectar from a variety of wildflowers to make this wonderful, medium strength aromatic honey.

All our honey is raw - taken from the beehive, extracted and then poured straight into glass jars. We do not heat our honey, filter it or process it in any way whatsoever. Raw honey contains some pollen and may contain small particles of wax.

Honey comes in a glass jar (we do not use plastic as believe that it kills off some of the honey goodness) and will weigh 1.5 lbs.

Our honey has not had any sugar added to it, it has not been heated or diluted in any way whatsoever.

PLEASE NOTE that our bees are NOT fed any sugar syrup during the honeyflow.

PLEASE NOTE that usually raw honey crystallises/sets within a few weeks/months. Honey that stays runny for life usually has undergone a heating process whereby most, if not all, of the natural honey goodness is lost. Our honey is NOT heated. Our honey has an expiry date of 4 years.

NOT suitable for infants.

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